Sunday, June 7, 2009

It Was Mohan, actually

My sisters and I were listening to Boys Night Out or the Boys are Out Tonight (whatever, really) at Killerbee when this really odd thought struck me.

I would love to dissect Mo Twisters mind.

Killerbee is a newfound radio station. Oh, I am aware that Magic 89.9 has been in existence na for a long time but, what I mean is I had not stumbled on the station until about a year or so ago.

I was not a radio junkie ever since I heard stupid dirty jokes on air and bore mainstream music that just keep repeating again and again (Hey, I don’t even like them). I find listening to radio quite boring and tacky. I stick to books and a decent playlist.

I don’t need to hear stuffy DJs talking to themselves on air. I have enough of deranged lunatics’ talking nonstop inside my very own brain thank you.

But, Killerbee is absolutely different. Hey, they speak fluent English man. It helps improve listening skills and aids aural comprehension as well. In fact, we tune in one Killerbee the whole day. Just so my younger siblings would get used to spoken English. Just like bearing DVD watching all day, so they could grasp English vocab and ideals as well.

Another thing, Good Times with Mo is absolutely untacky. I adore it. Mo’s mind is more twisted than Jessica Zafra’s. Really.

And he is such an interesting personality. I cannot really recall Mo’s short stint in the show business industry. I was never interested in such things. I only get perked up when I hear morbidly tragic things like deaths and accidents (like what happened to Richard Gutierez).

But I did hear about his too upfront and sometimes too tactless persona.

I was a bit prejudiced when I first tuned in one Good Times with Mo (my youngest sister is a total Killerbee fan. She forced us to listen to it all day and all night long). Before I heard his views and his ideas and his quirky concepts at life, I thought Mo was a conceited little DJ who just wanted to mess up peoples life for a cheap thrill.

There was more to the guy. (Eureka)

When you listen to him with Grace Lee and Mojo Jojo on air, he just sounds like a crazy kid who sees things in a far different point of view than we do. There are points wherein I totally disagree with him but boy, he really has no pretentions.

He is rude and frank and quite arrogant on air but on Mo, that is forgivable. He can get away with all of it. I guess being “bad-assed” is actually a role he loves to play and it suits him to a T.

But there is sometimes an odd side to the big boy wonder with the get real philosophy that is quite touching.

I mean, I would not have liked him if he were that bad and that ordinary and that regular. (I never went for regular guys anyway. I always went for the “interesting” ones.

I really would love to dissect his mentality that’s why I keep listening to him.

The Boys in Boys Night Out are interesting in a superficial level but if you really want a meaty sensible discussion, listen to Mo. I like his odd ideas that just pops out of the blue. He makes you see new things in old concepts. I like that a lot. He knows what he is talking about and when he does not, he is not hesitant to admit it.

He could be a little hardheaded at times especially if his views are questioned.He does not like it when others try to make any corrections to what he has stated or mentioned.

Oh, I guess I just missed listening to him. He is sick and has been hospitalized since Monday.

On The Wedding Dance

The Wedding Dance is a short story written by Republic Cultural Heritage Awardee Amador T. Daguio.

It asks: Which is important- the survival of a society or the happiness of the individual.

This story has made me feel bad. I am a pulp romance novel nut that is why I try to avoid stories that actually reflect life.

I was unable to escape this one though. I had a feeling it would hurt but sometimes, we do tend to have our sadomasochistic moments.

This story featured two couples, Awiyao and Lumnay, who loved each other so much. Unfortunately, Lumnay was unable to give Awiyao a child that would carry on his name in their tribed. Despite his love, he had to set aside his wife to find a woman who can give him a son.

The story starts with Awiyao looking for his wife who had hidden herself in their home. The tribe was supposed to be celebrating the wedding of Awiyao to this other woman and Awiyao wanted Lumnay to be at the dance to prove that everything was alright with her.

Lumnay could not go. I mean, how can a man ever ask a woman who loved him so much to watch his wedding feast with another woman?

Awiyao explains his side. Which was really silly and did not really make sense to me (hey, I am a modern woman and I think those kind of things suck). He told Lumnay how much he loved her and how he appreciated her. He said that it was not his fault and that Lumnay should not blame him (Hello? Who can force you to do things you don’t want to do?)

His reason: “It is only that a man must have a child. Seven harvests is just too long to wait. Yes, we have waited too long. We should have another chance before it is too late for both of us.”


Another stupid line: “I do this for the sake of the tribe.” Bah!

Lumnay accepted what he said. (I would never have been as kind and understanding. I would have demanded for a settlement. I mean, I wasted seven harvest, whatever is its equivalent, for the jerk. We are both in that ugly situation and he would just leave me like that?)

When Awiyao offered the house and the fields, she refused because she said she would not want to have anything to do with them anyway.

All she asked for were the beads Awiyao gave her when he asked for her hand in marriage.

So now, Lumnay had to go back to parents and Awiyao would build a life with his new wife.

He did say that if it was not a fruitful union, he would leave his wife and die with Lumnay. I hoped he never bore a child.

I guess Lumnay consoled herself with the expensive beads which, for her, was the sign of Awiyao’s love for her.

Pipz. Just read the story. It was pretty amazing. And yes, I felt frustrated for Lumnay and sad for Awiyao.

He accepted his tribes idea that to become a man, one must have offsrpings. Did he not know that to be called a man, you must be strong enough to stand and fight for your principles and your loved ones? Even if the one you really have to fight is yourself?

Adel, read it if you haven't yet.

Desi Madness

It all started with Slumdog Millionaire. Then, I downloaded an MP3 file of Jai Ho (original Indian version).

I thought this Indian thing would actually end or at least subside. Just like the Twilight Fever I and my sisters experienced (we kept watching Twilight over and over again until they have come to hate it so much and I have started to totally adore Pattinson).

Unfortunately, it only got worst.

I was urged to buy another DVD tape (yeah so much for my financial complaints). One of them happened to be Dostana.

Dostana is an Indian term referring to friendship and what an odd friendship it was. A friendship which was founded on deception but was true until the end.

It was a lovely film with beautiful musical numbers which drove all my siblings nuts. I adored the choreo of the musicals and I loved the cinematography. Even my brother was impressed, the techno nut who scoffed over War of Worlds and Jumanji and was a bit unimpressed with Jurassic Park.

Anyway, since they loved it, I decided to download the songs from I had a copy of Desi Girl, Shut Up and Bounce by Shilpa Shetty (lovely), Jaane Kyun and Kuch Kum (which was not really fun).

Now, the USB thing I have at home contains 3 40 plus songs. We used to play Demi Lovato and Jonas brothers along with my sisters Fall Out Boys favorite Thanks for the Memories.

Now, only three songs keeps blaring on the speaker everyday. All those Indian songs. My God, my music mad siblings are totally into Indian music.

I loved it. I love listening to Jaane Kyun and Desi Gilr myself. I guess the sing feels happy and bouncy and just lovely.

It brings to mind really beautiful things. Its actually playing right now. Very loudly. I hope our distant neighbors don’t mind listening to them every day, at 9 am and at 4 pm.

A Fat Girls Dreams

I am fat. That is the one obvious thing about me everyone will see at the outset of a meeting.

I don’t know what goes in the head of the rest of the world and I don’t know what goes on in mine at the time of a meeting but its usually “Oh, can’t we just get over this?’

It is pretty difficult, being fat I mean.

In fact, being fat is actually the most impossible situation a woman could be in.

Let me tell you about what I think about myself being fat:

I have insecurity issues. A bunch of them. Being fat has made me felts inadequate and too shy and just too aloof and a bit uncaring about my looks.It also made me defensive and a little bit impossible to live with at times.
Because of that, I have automatically armored myself with certain unbreachable mechanisms to protect myself from rejections. People who really do not know me well see me as a little bit standoffish and snobbish at times.
Aside from that, I became too much of a mental kind of girl. I went overboard with trying hard to be everything in the brains department.

The only time I was able to honestly engage a man’s attention was when I was chatting through YM.

I guess I became a little spontaneous and flirty in real time. I had a long time chat mate, an Indian guy who is about 28 years old.

I told him I was fat, upfront. And I told him I was not after any romantic involvement. I mean,I just wanted to chat awith a guy, I don’t get to talk to interesting guys in my work.

Guys never throw me a second glance. They would flock around other girls who are more… never mind. All I could offer a guy is interesting conversation (and some wonky criticism if the mood strikes me). I guess, I really fall short of entertaining and fun.

I never had anyone interested in me. No one ever paid me any more attention than maybe to ask what time is it or whether I have an assignment for the next class or so or …

Well, there was one swell kid back in college, a political science major who was probably bowled over by my intelligence . I mean, id like to think so, since he was my classmate in a Philosophy class and he never really paid me enough attention until my report where they (his other polsci classmates) ganged up on me, intent on destroying my cool with their probing questions. The class discussion went a bit mad then since everyone got so involved arguing over things I was merely pointing out at first. Thinsg which they questioned and I defended with my usual fire (which only comes out when I get to talk about things I am passionate about).
At the end of the class, he went up to me to apologize saying that he hoped I did not take his questioning personally since he just wanted to blah-blah (I went frosty mode again, I mean he is an equally interesting creature and I did not want to fall so I need my block in palce). I told him it was fine and that I understood.
But, when it was his time to report, he kept looking at me for confirmation. It made me feel a little bit odd and on the spot (since a classmate was a little bit taken with him too), so I went out to buy a coke and pass the rest of the class in the canteen (like I usually do).
When I returned., the class has thankfully ended and I was free to “lock and load”.

Oh well

Right now, I do not really care what other people say about me.

I guess I got so over the idea of trying to fit into people’s conception of who and what I should be that I have stopped being myself.

I wanted to be a model daughter so I did everything that my mother asked me to do. In the end, I was not able to stop her from doing something destructive which has made all of us suffer. I listened to her for the last 23 years of my life and for that one single year I asked her for something, she refused to even hear me.

I wanted to become a model teacher and served my alma mater. It was not the money at first. It was the brimming idealism of a teacher who honestly longed to serve. But, the administration made sure I would loose even that. Because of politically and nepotistically minded people, I lost myself.

I wanted to become a model daughter so I did all I could for my siblings only to realize that no one really cared. Oh well, what are younger sisters for. They would not listen. It’s just like I am not even there.

Now, I wanted to be myself. Now, I am doing the things that I wanted to do in the first place. I spent most of my summer at the blank, blank university for my master’s degree in English language teaching. I spend most of my free time in the library reading. I spent the other spare time huddled before a computer downloading songs and other relevant info. I spend other free times watching movies, sleeping, eating o just thinking.

Because now, I have stopped caring.

I don’t really care about my application for a national item at school. I mean whatever. The whole thing sucks. Who knows, I might find something more lucrative.

I don’t really care about what people will say about me. I will just do my job and they all can go to wherever they want to go.

Evaluating Everything

Now Playing: Our God is an Awesome God

The last time I was able to play around here, I really did not know what I wanted to do. I don’t know why. All I know is I was suffering from information overload and I could not make sense of everything around me.

Now, it’s a different matter. Almost loosing a tool for a writer can be an awakening, rude perhaps, but effective.

I guess, I am going to really take advantage of this tool as something that would aid me in my life and in my career.

I have saved Christian devotional songs which I intend to play every morning, just after I open up my laptop.

Then, I would spend the time reflecting about life and a bout God and publish it on my blog.

After I finished with my daily devotionals, I would spend sometime for my lessons and constructing teaching materials. If its M.A. day, I would spend it working on M.A. things of course.

And Sundays are spend for God alone na lang guid.

Then, in the evening, I would spend sometime, working on my novels here and end the day with another devotional hour playing sleepy Christian songs before I go to sleep.

Blog Binge Galore

I just got back after a very,very long break. I guess I got lost somewhere out there. But, I was able tp accummulate posts whoch I am ging to publish in here in a very random manner.

You see, unlike most diarist, I tend to forget to write down the dates of my entries. I just want to express the emotions and once I'm through, I am through.

At present, I am quite obsessed with Boys Over Flowers. Where can you find a guy like the lead character? HE is naturally beautiful and I like the sensitive aggression he intends to exhibit when it comes to his one and only ladylove.

I woudl kill to be in Geum Jan Di's shoes right now. Anyway, here are the posts of the past.