Sunday, June 7, 2009

Evaluating Everything

Now Playing: Our God is an Awesome God

The last time I was able to play around here, I really did not know what I wanted to do. I don’t know why. All I know is I was suffering from information overload and I could not make sense of everything around me.

Now, it’s a different matter. Almost loosing a tool for a writer can be an awakening, rude perhaps, but effective.

I guess, I am going to really take advantage of this tool as something that would aid me in my life and in my career.

I have saved Christian devotional songs which I intend to play every morning, just after I open up my laptop.

Then, I would spend the time reflecting about life and a bout God and publish it on my blog.

After I finished with my daily devotionals, I would spend sometime for my lessons and constructing teaching materials. If its M.A. day, I would spend it working on M.A. things of course.

And Sundays are spend for God alone na lang guid.

Then, in the evening, I would spend sometime, working on my novels here and end the day with another devotional hour playing sleepy Christian songs before I go to sleep.

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