Monday, August 16, 2010


Should I call this an untitled first?

Nah...ever since I left the classroom, I had not posted anything...probably because I wanted to savor the carefree life of a person who wanted to see the rest of the world..

And am I seeing the world? You bet...

I am a changed person now and I have learned a lot about myself, what I really wanted and what would make me happy. This is very essential.

This will pave the way for the sharing of self that is beyond what I thought I was capable of.

Am I happy? I am as happy as I let myself, yeah...I just gave myself the permission to be happy.

My job is a difficult and demanding one despite the ease in pressure...but it is teaching me things that I never really expected to learn in this lifetime.

I feel blessed that I was given this chance after all...and anyway, I am still working on that novel...i just uploaded a novel writing software last month and I hope it will help.

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