Wala lang. Feel lang ya title.
I am going to take my M. A. Ed entrance test this coming Saturday.
Am I excited? You bet.
I guess, I just like the independent dependence of student life. That is what I missed most about being a student for almost 16 years of my life.
You follow a student friendly system. You get to live with your ideals and you always have the excuse of youth for every screw ups you commit.
Life was definitely the best when you were a student. You simply have the best of all worlds. I guess, I managed to explore most of the academic side of all things. I was not the “maller” type and I only started malling when I found out that malls have books in them.
I was also not the “movies-type” since I found going to movies alone or even with friends very expensive. I also can’t see very well in the dark and the fact that I am inside a dark chamber makes me feel a little bit ill.
I was also not the “nights-out, party-girl type” (I was more the party-pooper type). I haven’t entered a disco pub or bar (ever) and I always feel out of place during school affairs that requires hotel entrances. I even did not attend our Senior’s Night in college.
I was the library-girl type, the straight-from-school-to-home type. I spent most of my spare time in the library, the publication office and the canteen.
I also did not get along very well with other people. In fact, many would attest to my absolute lack of social polish (I do not even have nail polish).
This time however, I am going to do everything that a student is supposed to do.
And no, I do not really mean going to malls, movies and parties. What I mean is I am going to open my mind and heart this time.
I am not just going to use my brain in this endeavor but my passion to learn and do everything.
I want to rediscover my old ideals and beliefs.
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