Thursday, February 18, 2010


I dont want to close my mind on all possibilities.

This coming election is taking most of my attention. This is our chance to make it known that we, as Filipinos, can make a difference...with our votes...

Sometimes, we ask ourselves, are we doing enough? Or is there really hope for our country? And if there is, where does that hope lie?

Realization of such matters came upon me as we worked on the annual report of the Division for ALS.

We were compiling all the data we had about all the programs that the ALternative Learning System in the Division has come up with for Calendar Year 2009.

I was surprised with the realization that all these data came from the lower level, the individual, from the field...

Whatever happens up there (and up there is but a compilation of numbers) down here is where the action happens.

Now, if you want to make a difference, work down here...and if you want to make a bigger difference...just move up there...but slowly...showing all the people that you made your way from the bottom to the top with careful precision, with love, with concern...with genuine dedication...

Poor deluded politicians...they will not make much of a difference after all. It is all up to us, and I am glad I made the choice of moving where the action is...

I want to make a difference in a few lives at most, in one community at best and in our city at my most optimistic mode...

If you really want to fight the real battle, be a soldier...hold your arms...and fight. We have countless battles to fight, and together, we can win the war...

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