Monday, May 4, 2009

My Bestfriend

Adel is one of the most precious friends I have ever had. But, she never called me her bestfriend and I believe I agree with her.

Because I see her in the same manner. We have a strange relationship, you see. One that is personal and philosophical, close and distant at the same time. Adel is both my mentor and my friend. She has become the source of most of the inspiring ideas and philosophies I have come to appreciate when it comes to leadership and managing people.

She would probably make a good HR manager. She is good with people.

But, Adel is not my bestfriend. She is one of the best of the friends I have (and I have few to start with).

But, since kindergarten, I have only had three bestfriends.

The first one was my kindergarten classmate who attended a private elementary school (that’s why we got separated). Mae Ann (as I recall her) is a nice kid but when we grew up, we did not even acknowledge each others existence in any special way at all. I guess we grew indifferent.

Then, when I was in Grade Three, a classmate spent the whole recess talking to me about crushes (that was the first time I encountered the word). We became bestfriends eversince until she had to leave for another school two years later. I had negative memories of her since she teased me a lot and made fun of me. I could not take the jokes.

When I was in Grade five and I was assigned to throw the trash to the school dumping site, I “met” my dearest, truest, bestfriend.

We were on our way when we started talking about a guy (who happened to be our mutual crush at that time). He was her seatmate and I uncannily revealed how much I liked the guy. Since then, Geramie and I became totally inseparable.

Geramie is one of the dearest friends I have ever had. She was always there.She never leat me down and she was always kind to me. She was the kind of friend who always took your side no matter what (and I am usually wrong).

If Adel was of the sort who helped me find my true self and make the right choices, Geramie was there to pick me up when I fell and to cheer me up when I am mostly down.

I tried to return the favor. I guess the kind of friendship we had was solely based on comforting and cheering each other on.

If I was not totally honest with some feedbacks, I reasoned it out with the line: She does not need any more critics. She just needs me to be her bestfriend. We talked for really long hours about how we felt and how we are and how we dealt with the problems we faced.

After high school graduation, Geramie had to leave for Samar and we never had any contact again.

But then, Geramie would always be my dearest and most selfless bestfriend. No one can ever take her place.

1 comment:

adelic said...

i don't know what to say... it's because our friendship is not the best, but transcends.

Thank you for being a friend to me too. :D