Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I was able to watch twilight only lately and I have heard so much rave about it. I heard some negative comments and I myself even made snide remarks about certain vampire materials that does not fit traditional vampire lores.

When someone tried to compare it with the Harry Potter phenomena, I immediately told off the offender. I mean, Harry Potter is a league by itself and nothing can compare with it. Rowling created a whole new world with it.

Twilight, on the other hand, is a charming young adult novel. I have not yet read the book since I have always missed it. But, I got hold of the plot from one internet source and thought it simplistic until I watched the movie.

I adored the concept. You see, I have been into all this supernatural hooplah when I was in college. I started out with vampirism in fourth year when a classmate lent me The Vampire Armand. That got me hooked with Anne Rice’s vampire chronicles.

The phenomena was even reincouraged in one of our Mythology class when we took up the customs of the worshippers of the God Bacchus or Dionysus. Adel and I started sharing conspiracy theories and oddities about vampirism and how the old religions always seemed to require virgin sacrifices. Then came out the Queen of the Damned movie.

However, all those ponderings were interspersed with the Harry Potter book borrowings and the Dan Brown period where several Silak staffers got hooked on The Da Vinci Code.

I thought I was so over the vampire craze. Until Twilight last year, I guess. I did read a review of the last book from a broadsheet even before the movie was shown. I was intrigued with the Potter comparison and the vampire birth I guess but I decided to put away the info until Twilight caught on the Philippine mad market.

What did I like about Twilight? The fact that it actually exceeded my expectations, I think. I did not expect to like it, you see. I thought it was a stupid, mob-appealing nonsense.

But, it tickled my fantasy. Edward Cullen was definitely a charismatic character. It is just that the role is really beyond any human actor’s grasp. Pattinson managed to come across as possessive and cold and alluringly aloof. But, he does not have the effortlessly sensual intensity that all vampires are supposed to posses.

Bella is a believable enough character, I think. I guess it is plausible to feel an attraction to the dangers that the Cullens actually presented and to have the impossible Edward’s fickle attention is just so, fascinating.

I also liked Forks, Washington. The weather is cool. I liked cold climates and constantly raining places. I don’t know why, really. I have always hated the heat in our country. In fact, I dream of going to a place where I can escaped the tropical mundanity of heat.

Alaska? Nah. Too cold. I just want an impersonal weather that is not too sunny.

Then, there is my imagination. Every little nuance of action between Edward and Bella are just too romantic. It teased my senses silly and I sometimes find myself holding back a squeal, especially that part when Bella turned up in that Bio class and Edward fidgeted. Hehe. I loved that.

The last part where Edward kissed her on the neck instead of turning her into a vampire lacks proper passion. I guess Pattinson could have put something more there.

Basta. I liked Twilight. Whatever you folks say, I liked it. (I can’t believe I liked it! Am I a Twilight fan then?).

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