Friday, February 13, 2009

Models Aside

I know I have a lot of things to do but I need to get this out of my system. Writing is the best way of exorcism for me (especially kun gina-demonyo ako).

Why? Well, I have been to my favorite internet café (yes, dear. We have no internet connection, mahal bi) just this afternoon (after a dispirited meeting with the Debatign Club).

I went blog crazy for awhile and I posted all the thoughts I have been hoarding for the week that I was not able to check my account (why? No money, no honey. Wala bi suweldo sa city hall, grrrr).

Then, I went bloghopping (and yes, this is the second time I used that term since I just borrowed it from a blogger who used it once). And, imagine what I saw.

Jayrick, (dear Jayrick, defense attorney of all models) vented out his frustrations on my not-so-well-thought-of remark regarding models. Well, Jayman, I guess, that was the real me speaking, the snide and snooty intellectual who frowns upon pretty faces and sexy bodies (kay man nahisa..kag abnormal).

I don’t know, I really do not have a well-defined opinion about models. I was not interested to follow/observe the career of one.

The following can be blamed, I think:

1. I guess, I was too hooked to the usual snide and snooty type of intellectual pursuit so I was not able to develop an interest in them.

2. We did not and still do not have a cable connection. Nanay never approved of it and anyway, we can’t afford it as well. (I have five younger siblings who are all certified couch potatoes…how long can the TV last if we have cable?)

3.I do not read fashion magazines. I only get depressed. (Why? Do you even have to ask?)
I really do not like models. (Ginapamangkot pa da? Duh)

4. Well, yes guys, it could be because we are girls that are is why we do not really care a lot about it.

I mean, everytime I see a model, I ask myself: why is she doing what she is doing? Kay feel niya lang? What kind of personality would want to flaunt her body to everyone (Well, I am not saying this because I am incapable of flaunting my body because I have too much of it, pero, hello? I mean, this is my body, it’s mine. Why should I share it with you? Palangga ta ka haw?I do not even know you (my siblings are watching an odd Filipino movie which has too much moaning and groaning it is starting to make my skin really crawl, now).

Pretensions aside though, I have not really put much thought on ramp models but the fact that I enjoy using them as the major antagonists in my novels (draft pa man lang) sort of explains my not so positive opinion about them.

But then, a big thankee to Jayrick dear here, I guess I learned something guid man: Keep your mouth shut when dealing with things you are not so passionate about because you can never really defend your stand.


What the voices (inside my head) say:

Pati Jay a. I respect your opinion about models, you know. And I do know that you are right. It is just so wrong for us to judge people based on stereotypes (dapat, MP5types,hehe). In my ignorance, I guess I spouted ill-informed ideas about models. I have been unfair, I know. Next time, tell me straight okay? (Heaven, the Teacher mode).

I still insist that man is more than just the clothes he wear (or doesn’t wear). (Heaven, the snob mode).

To each his own, bro. Respect mo ko, repect ta man ka, a. Respetuhanay lang ta.(Addict mode, is that still me?)

Huh? What are we discussing again? (The real me.)

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