Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Love HIM.

A month ago, I would not have posted this.

Why? It is so O.A. So unrockerlike.

I mean, no decent child of this world would dare admit that she knows Jesus or that she loves Christ.

However, I have submitted myself into His hands. All my weaknesses and strengths, all the good and bad in me…

So, here goes: I LOVE JESUS!

Why? Or How?

I will be the first person to admit that I am a sinner. A bad one. Hypocritical, self-righteous, a little bit too full of herself and her capacities.

Even if I was part of the church back then, I was not a mature Christian.

Then, God let me find DYBS. It is a radio station which airs God-centered program all day.

I used to listen to it years ago but when I started teaching, I stopped. I got to busy and to hooked into this world to really find time for God (or I guess, I just did not care enough).

Shepherd’s Voice
In the morning, DYBS airs the program Shephred Voice. It is a really beautiful bibilical lecture on a lot of interesting topics. It aird sometime around 6:00 to 6:30 in the morning. That is the reason why I can now come to school earlier than I used to. Because I make an effort to catch the program. It also has a repeat airtime at around 12:00 to 12:30 so when I miss my morning does, I stay for the noon time program.

Day by Day
This is the second program that I listen to. This has the same format as Shepher’ds Voice but the pastor handling this program is really wacky. He makes jokes and makes his listener’s laugh a lot (I prefer the Shepher’d Voice preacher though since I am more comfortable with the scholarly approach). The pastor in here discusses biblical ideas and concepts in the context of everyone’s daily life.

Tanglaw sa Landas ng Buhay
This one is rather odd since its start is signaled by a cutesy song Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. (I think it goes that way, I am juts not sure). Then, there is a talkshow sort of program followed by a biblical lecture).

By 8, I leave the office for my class.

During lunch break, I usually listen to the replay of the Shepherd’s Voice lecture before my 12:40 class.

And when I return to the office at around 4, a drama program would play. It is usually about letter senders who wanted to share how they met Jesus and how their lives have changed.

At night, DYBS is usually airing programs from outside the country. One I had listened to is:

Grace to You
The one and only time that I was able to listen to it, my life has changed. It aired a lecture about a famous pastor.

The pastor talked 15 words of hope from the Bible, that passage on 1 Corinthians 5:21 which says For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

That passage was thoroughly and clearly explained by the lecturer. That passage carefully defines and balances the mystery of reconciliation and the significance of Jesus role in everything else.

Slowly, in a pacing I cannot really dictate, I am being led to a new life of hope and renewal through this program.

It is true; a person’s life is richer and more meaningful with God in it.

No, that does not mean I am no longer a sinner. I am still a sinner and I still continue to sin because that is the weak nature of man but it does not mean nga just because I, as a man, am weak, I would just allow my weakness to engulf me without fighting it.

And with God on my side, how could I lose?

P.S. I am a born and bred Roman Catholic but it does not mean I am not open to other sects or congregations.

Right? Roman Catholicism has given me the freedom to study other religions anyway. I just decided to make use of that spiritual freedom in a freer manner.

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