Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jayrick's Case

Jayrick is one of the members of the Debating Club whom I got to know through several contests trainings and seminar-workshops.

Jayrick is fun to be with but I often feel that I am being measured against something. He is observant and when he does not speak much, I feel nervous. (But he is fun to be with especially when he interacts with Rey and Katrina).

Tall, lanky and serious. Those were my first descriptions of Jayrick. Lately, I realized that he is more than just a three-dimensional model of the stereotypical school geek.

He writes well (he has great command of the language) and thinks well. His journal (I was lucky enough to be allowed a peek) was really wacky without being tacky. The humor, though a bit, self- deploring, was quite funny and interesting in a literary way.

Aside from that, he can bake and he sort of feels insecure over that. (I do not know how to bake and I am a female).

He is the editor in chief of the school paper. I thought he deserved it out of sheer talent. I did hear some odd feedback by one teacher I know and I think that we, the teachers and advisers, are the ones who should make sure that the children we are tasked to mold knows the problem and how to solve it.

I wish I had the guts to inform her (the teacher) that. I mean, in the D. Club, Jayrick appears to be one of the most dedicated members. He, in fact, has worked hard for a lot of things for the club.

Was I mistaken on this? I think that he just needs to know that he is being relied upon to do something and that he will always be guided by his mentor.

Anyway, these kids just need to know not only what to do but how to do it as well.

I discovered that one common error among us teachers is that we tend to assume that the students know what we mean. I forgot that being a student actually puts one in a difficult position.

Jayrick is one nice potential that Passi National High School should recognize. No one should call it luck that he struck gold once. It is a milestone in his life and ought to be appreciated.

He may not have won major prizes now but I am sure that he can tell you he won much more than that.

There is no such thing as loosing. If you don’t win, you learn.

I have been a life long learner (yeah, you can say looser). But at least, I won much more than the winner did.

I may not have won much back in highschool and later on in life. But I won this place in time and space that allowed me to meet the likes of Jayrick.

To close this post, here is a quote from a movies I watched recently. (It is not a new movie but I tend to watch movies released years later).

Remember, life may lead you where you least expect, but have faith that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
-from the movie “ Snow Buddies”

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