I am in a crappy mood.
Well, that's not really unnatural considering that I slept at 12:40 AM and just woke up. I have not yet studied for my midterms, I lost my book for the book critique and I have not yet submitted my browsing notes plus, I am not sure what I want to present for my Stat Class...
Whew. Talk about torn...
Anyway, I am just not torn in terms of school work right now. My mind is trying to sort my life directions and I am not sure what I really want from life. What do I plan to have? What are my priorities? What are my goals? What's next in my agenda? (Well, why "my" all the time? Well, duh, this is my blog bummer, what did you expect?)
For years now, I believe after college graduation or maybe sometime between third year and 4th year college, I started reigning in my really nasty temper and controlled myself (not really apparent huh, but I did)...Unexpected angry outburst stopped and I started circulating...however, in toning down my really crazy persona, I guess I also tempered the colorful and passionate part of my self.
I really am not a bland creature with tempered tastes, needs and desires. And trying to tone down that crazy passionate and bloody uncontrollable part of me, I became this dead and dull emotional cripple.
A conversation with a friend made me realize that I stopped being truly creative once I started being practical...whew...
Lets take a look back at human history. When we say great men did great things, we really do injustice to this great people...because the truth is: they were simply crazy men who dared to do crazy things during their time...
And only crazy or ignorant men can do something that their world never expected. So, let's go crazy!