Sunday, January 17, 2010


I want to post something sublime in here but I am afraid I am in a mental grave right now.

I should be happy since I actually got what I wanted. I am, in a way, but I feel apprehensive and a little afraid right now.

You really cannot just dislodged pains and fears, ano?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Surprise: I'm Married

Yes, I know it is a shocker.

Nobody expected that this would happen but I got married, officially ha, last January 4, 2010.

I will tell you the details on my next post...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Pretentiousness 2010

What is the true nature of man?

Is it really the hard-I-don't care-about-this-world exterior or is there more?

I have been reading blogs and I have been wondering what truth or lie hides in every post.

Are they being true or does the content involve something I sometimes refer to as teh Rizal-effect?

For 2010? Let us be true to ourselves.

In short? Mga plastic kamu tanan!