When I was a student, I never had many friends.
A college acquaintance used to wonder what kind of friend I am because during our spare time, I tend to wander around the campus on my own or I would leave my so called friends for a comfortable hour spent reading in the library.
Another classmate told me I should stop burrying myself in books. I think she was right. The more time I spent with books, the lesser time I spent with people. But, I told myself that it is only through reading that I get to understand hman nature.
However, the more I learned about human nature and the more I understand about man's duality, the less able I am to communicate my thoughts with them-real time.
My sisters told me I had the uncanny ability to scare people away with just a look or a carefully aimed word.
I did not realize how true it was until I woke up one day and realized that I was actually all alone in the crazy world I built for myself.
I had no friends and no one could understand me.
But, when I became a teacher, all that sensitivity was actually awakened. I could not believe the amount of love and care that I actually feel for my students.
It was so different. And now, I realized why that was so.
In our Philosophy of Man class, a classmate asked me how I tell a person I love him or her without saying I love you.
My answer: I want to share my thoughts with you.
hen they asked me why : I said that the best gift I could give to another mortal is to share my love of learning with him or her. To give them a fragment of the knowledge and understanding I worked so hard to acquire over the years. And, in so doing, I uncannily attach myself to the person.
The measure of love I feel for another person is equivalent to the time I spent sharing my thoughts with him or her. It may take me an hour or less but what counts is how much of myself I give at every meeting.
And, I give so much to my students. So much of myself that, after the end of the day I feel fulfilled. As If I have already done my human duty, my task to mankind for the day.
I love my students. I may be undkind to other human beings. I maybe less understanding to other adults around me... but I always love my students.
(Semantic Warning: I have my own meaning for the words:my students...)